The following article is from Graeme (Team Leader and one of our pastors) about the importance of engaging with Jesus through bible reading, Bible study and prayer that comes from this on a daily basis. Graeme says "these are thoughts that I have had for many years and I offer them to our church in a manner of humility, hoping that they may help our fellowship discover God in their daily bible reading and encounter with God.
Whether you are completely new to Bible reading, or whether you've been at it for years, you probably need help in making God's Word a part of each day. The truth is, we all do. The following are some practical guidelines you can use. They fall into two categories: Preparing and Reading.
The first thing you'll need to read the Bible regularly is a sincere desire to do so. Maybe that seems too obvious, but it is important. If our habit of daily Bible reading is to be successful and profitable we must develop a hunger to know God better through his Word. And we need to ask God for this hunger in prayer - constantly.
The next thing you'll need to do is get a Bible that's clear to you. With so many good translations today, both traditional and contemporary, you can find one that's easy for you to understand.
Another very important part of preparing to read the Bible is to choose a system. It's frustrating when you have ten or twenty minutes set aside for Bible reading to waste time randomly flipping through your Bible deciding what to read. Without a systematic plan, you'll probably read and re-read the books you know best and avoid the ones with which you are unfamiliar. There are many helpful Bible reading systems available online. Click the following link for help. ( Evaluate several and then choose a plan that systematically takes you through all parts of the Bible. And follow it.
Two simple, but helpful preparations are find a spot and set a time. When you read the Bible, choose a place where you can be alone and concentrate. Also, plan a specific time of the day for Bible reading. If you don't it's too easy to skip it. Whatever time you set to meet with God, however, the important thing is that you keep your appointment! Now let's turn our attention to how we go about actually reading the Bible.
"If you aim at nothing, you'll probably hit it," is a phrase we sometimes hear. This applies to our Bible reading as well. If we are not aiming to meet God in his Word, we won't. So, consciously come to your time of Bible reading expecting to hear God speak to your life situation. Come expecting to learn, expecting to change, and you won't be disappointed.
Next, read your day's passage thoughtfully and prayerfully. Start by considering the context of your passage. That is, familiarise yourself with what comes before and after what you read so you keep the verses in their proper perspective. Then read the passage slowly. You may even want to read it twice to make sure you get it all.
After reading, meditate on the text and its meaning for you. This will involve your intellect as you answer questions such as "What is the main point of this passage?" "What do I learn about God?" "What does Christ require of me today?" It will involve your imagination as you put yourself in a parable, illustration or biblical story and reflect on what it would be like to "be there." (For example, try to imagine your thoughts and feelings if you were in the crowd watching Jesus' crucifixion.) And it will involve your heart, as you honestly apply God's Word to your life, when it hurts as well as when it inspires.
After you've grappled with the text, think of ways to take its message with you into the day. Keep a notebook of your discoveries, memorize a key verse, tape a 3 x 5 card with a helpful verse to a familiar spot in your home or office, or make up a melody and "sing a verse" throughout the day.
Since God is speaking to you through the Bible, naturally you will want to answer him in prayer. Pray before you read, asking the Holy Spirit to give you insight. If you come to a verse that touches a particular need of yours or spotlights a sin you've given in to, stop and pray about it. And when you finish reading, pray again that God would help you act on what he's said to you. Bible reading combined with prayer will transform your daily Quiet Time from a religious habit into a two-way interaction with God.
I do not mind sharing with my own Bible reading method. You may find it helpful. I'm all for encouraging Bible reading and Bible learning. Simply because it's the place where I meet God more regularly than any where else. This is not a system for success, but a way in which I have found can help me connect with Jesus.
1. Pray before reading, asking Jesus to help you understand and receive his Word. Through Christ you are in the Father's holy presence. Approach him boldly, humbly and expectantly.
2. Read carefully the Bible passage for the day. Refer to the preceding and following sections as necessary, so that you read in context.
3. Reflect on what you have read, waiting in openness, ready to obey God's Word to you. Think through the passage, asking yourself such questions as:
- What is the main point of this portion?
- What does God - Father, Son or Holy Spirit - reveal of himself?
- What insight am I given into myself and into my life situation? Is there an example of a warning to heed? A promise to claim?
- What does Christ require of me now, in thought, word or action?
4. Apply what God has taught you from today's reading to the circumstances of life - situations at work, home, school, or church. Use what you have learned in order to become more like Jesus.
5. Pray again. This time, turn the things you have learned into prayers.
- Thank God for his greatness and love.
- Confess your sins.
- Remember the needs of others.
- Adore the Lord in his beauty.
- Go forth to serve him with joy.
" It's my hope that you may encounter the risen Jesus in all of you study of His Word."
Graeme Dodds - Team Leader and one of our pastors.
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